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Cultural Research Foundation: meeting with other accredited NGOs News

Cultural Research Foundation: meeting with other accredited NGOs

Visiting Accredited Ngos for Establishing Network As the Cultural Research Foundation - CRF (Kültürel Araştırmalar Vakfı- KAV), we have been working in the fields of culinary culture, traditional toys, rituals and handicrafts since 2002. This year, we worked to establish an international network with NGOs accredited by UNESCO. Our aim…
May 10, 2017
International conference: “Urban Cultures, Superdiversity and Intangible Heritage” News

International conference: “Urban Cultures, Superdiversity and Intangible Heritage”

Two-day conference with keynotes, case studies, excursions and shared experiences. Conference organized by the Dutch Centre for Intangible Heritage, tapis plein – expertise center for intangible heritage in Flanders, FARO. Flemish Interface Center for Cultural Heritage, German Commission for UNESCO, and in cooperation with the University of Utrecht and the…
April 21, 2017
Statement Ich Ngo Forum On The Occasion Of The 6th General Assembly / Declaration du Forum des Ong-Pci a l’occasion de 6.Ga

Statement Ich Ngo Forum On The Occasion Of The 6th General Assembly / Declaration du Forum des Ong-Pci a l’occasion de 6.Ga

 (Voir plus bas pour la version en français - See below for the french version) Paris, 1st of June 2016 1. The ICH NGO FORUM thanks the Secretariat for supporting and assisting the participation of the NGOs. 2. The Forum welcomes the accreditation of 24 new NGOs, which will join the 140 existing…
June 1, 2016
e-Museum: methods, techniques and practices News

e-Museum: methods, techniques and practices

"INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE. MEMORIAMEDIA e-Museum - methods, techniques and practices" - Filomena Sousa (2015) MI Portugal Free download here (book in English and in Portuguese): MEMORIAMEDIA aims to study, inventory and disseminate manifestations of intangible cultural heritage. These include oral expressions, performative practices, celebrations, traditional craftsmanship and knowledge concerning…
November 24, 2015
In Edinburgh a Symposium on Intangible Cultural Heritage News

In Edinburgh a Symposium on Intangible Cultural Heritage

An international symposium on Intangible Cultural Heritage in a multicultural context, exploring human rights issues. The keynote presentation will be delivered by Dr Janet Blake, consultant to UNESCO and contributor to the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. There will also be short presentations from…
September 29, 2015
What does heritage change? News

What does heritage change?

From June 6th to 10th 2016, the Canada Research Chair in Urban Heritage of UQAM’s School of Management, in collaboration with Concordia University and the Center for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, will host the Association of Critical Heritage Studies’ Biennial Conference under the theme “What does heritage change?”. More…
September 24, 2015
Patrimoines, Participation, Citoyenneté: a symposium seminar in Anost, France News

Patrimoines, Participation, Citoyenneté: a symposium seminar in Anost, France

Patrimoines, Participation, Citoyenneté Anost 4th & 5th September 2015 The involvement of the public seems to have become crucial in heritage policies. The Georges Chevrier center (University of Burgundy) and the Maison du patrimoine oral de Bourgogne (Burgundian house for oral heritage), in collaboration with the French Center for ICH,…
July 29, 2015
International Cultural Forum WHYSEE2000 News

International Cultural Forum WHYSEE2000

The International Cultural Forum WHYSEE2000 promoted by AIG (Italian Association Hotels for Youth) and by the Italy-Bulgaria Committee in collaboration with UNPLI (Italian network of Pro Loco associations), ANCI (National association of the Italian Municipalities), NAMRB (National Association of Municipalities Republic of Bulgaria), CLUJ2015 (European Capital of Youth 2015), with…
July 28, 2015
The 1st International Conference of accredited NGOs News

The 1st International Conference of accredited NGOs

Presentation-of-conclusions-of-accredited-NGO The 1st International Conference of accredited NGOs reinforced dialogue with the UNESCO bodies gathered in Santa Susanna (Maresme, Catalonia), NGOs accredited by UNESCO for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) have established links and shared experiences. When a convention is created (the Safeguarding for ICH in this…
June 14, 2015
Memória Imaterial CRL Europe and North AmericaNGOs

Memória Imaterial CRL

Memória Imaterial CRL (Intangible Memory CRL) is the manager and responsible for MEMORIAMEDIA project - a web museum that produces, shows and shares videos, documentaries and studies related with intangible cultural heritage. The MEMORIAMEDIA project began in 2006 (formally in 2008) and has as main objectives: The research, inventorying, safeguarding…
May 20, 2015
Brokers, Facilitators and Mediation: the publication is now avalaible on our web site News

Brokers, Facilitators and Mediation: the publication is now avalaible on our web site

The publication on cultural brokerage and safeguarding intangible heritage is now also available for free on the website of the ICH NGO forum! You can download the pdf file of the publication here. The 2003 UNESCO Convention for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage and the subsequent versions of the…
March 16, 2015