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La Lega Bisse del Garda – Tocatì NGO Network – Italy Messages to the UNESCO 2003 Convention

La Lega Bisse del Garda – Tocatì NGO Network – Italy

"La Lega Bisse del Garda auspica che i giovani si innamorino di questo nostro meraviglioso sport che è la voga in piedi e che unisce la tradizione alla sana competizione sportiva sulla Bissa. Felice di festeggiare insieme alla rete Tocatì e a voi tutti questo importante anniversario della Convenzione UNESCO…
Carley Williams
November 12, 2023
Kristina Avouzoa d’Ekoulikang – Poète-Dramaturge-Doctorante-Médiatrice culturelle – Cameroun Messages to the UNESCO 2003 Convention

Kristina Avouzoa d’Ekoulikang – Poète-Dramaturge-Doctorante-Médiatrice culturelle – Cameroun

Expression du leg Incitant à l'ancrage des âges, Sa sauvegarde honore les identités. Le patrimoine culturel immatériel, Et ses expressions diverses, Alimentent notre éveil. Fond de la conscience, Qui nous encourage à l'humanité. Aux pratiques où nos ambiances, Alliant expressions culturelles Aux couleurs des convivialités, Écument la postérité. Artisans, Artiste…
Jorijn Neyrinck
November 11, 2023
Joanne Orr – UNESCO ICH Global Facilitator – Scotland UK Messages to the UNESCO 2003 Convention

Joanne Orr – UNESCO ICH Global Facilitator – Scotland UK

The UNESCO 2003 Convention is in its twentieth year and is gaining traction and agency as the field of Intangible Cultural Heritage or living heritage, becomes increasingly internationally recognised. The safeguarding of our living heritage is imperative for all our shared futures. The traditional and indigenous knowledge, which is part…
Carley Williams
November 10, 2023
Janet Blake – UNESCO ICH Global Facilitator & Persian Garden Institute for Living Heritage – NGO – Iran / Scotland UK Messages to the UNESCO 2003 Convention

Janet Blake – UNESCO ICH Global Facilitator & Persian Garden Institute for Living Heritage – NGO – Iran / Scotland UK

The 2003 Convention, which entered into force in 2006, has now reached early adulthood and so is on the cusp of reaching full maturity. Since I have been involved in its story from before the 2003 Convention was actually drafted, it is interesting for me to see how some of…
Carley Williams
November 10, 2023
Messages to the UNESCO 2003 Convention

Histories – NGO – Belgium

We embraced our connection to celebratory traditions with a video: ‘Happy birthday’ to the UNESCO-team for our Histories-team with an applause and a birthday cake with candles that we blew out while wishing for a strong ICH-network and lots of safeguarding-opportunities in the years to come. Histories vzw - NGO…
Jorijn Neyrinck
November 8, 2023
Historic Environment Scotland – NGO – Scotland UK Messages to the UNESCO 2003 Convention

Historic Environment Scotland – NGO – Scotland UK

    While the United Kingdom has not ratified the 2003 Convention, the Convention has nevertheless guided Historic Environment Scotland’s efforts to safeguard ICH in  Scotland. We have drawn on the Convention, the ICH domains, and the best  practice register to inform development of our Policy Statement on ICH, and…
Carley Williams
November 8, 2023
Giovany Arteaga – Mundo Espiral Foundation – NGO – Colombia Messages to the UNESCO 2003 Convention

Giovany Arteaga – Mundo Espiral Foundation – NGO – Colombia

San Juan de Pasto, October 21, 2023 Dear 2003 Convention UNESCO Paris, France Subject: a journey that never ended: Amazon and Immaterial Cultural Heritage, nature and culture. As a sociology student at the University of Nariño, I thought that culture is a powerful instrument to achieve different objectives. The first…
Carley Williams
November 7, 2023
Emily Drani – UNESCO ICH Global Facilitator & CCFU NGO – Uganda Messages to the UNESCO 2003 Convention

Emily Drani – UNESCO ICH Global Facilitator & CCFU NGO – Uganda

Celebrating 20 years of implementing the 2003 Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage   Congratulations to UNESCO and all actors in the culture sector for contributing to 20 years of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage for future generations! In 2006, when the Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda (CCFU) was…
Carley Williams
November 5, 2023
Eivind Falk – Heritage Alive & Norwegian Crafts Institute – NGO – Norway Messages to the UNESCO 2003 Convention

Eivind Falk – Heritage Alive & Norwegian Crafts Institute – NGO – Norway

Mind the gap Eivind Falk Director Norwegian Crafts Institute / Editor-In-Chief #HeritageAlive since 2012   I remember well the first committee meeting I attended. It was in Abu Dhabi at the 4.COM in 2009. We were just a handful of NGOs, but we had our first meetings around a round…
Carley Williams
November 5, 2023
Edoardo Marini – Comune della Città di Pienza / Gioco del Cacio al Fuso, Tocatì NGO Network – Italy Messages to the UNESCO 2003 Convention

Edoardo Marini – Comune della Città di Pienza / Gioco del Cacio al Fuso, Tocatì NGO Network – Italy

«Tutti siamo parte del patrimonio vivente delle nostre terre e della nostra gente. Ma essere il proprio patrimonio significa anche trovare qualcosa in comune con altre terre e altre genti coi loro patrimoni, diversi ma con alla base qualcosa in comune, cioè il bagaglio che ciascuno di noi si porta…
Carley Williams
November 5, 2023
Deirdre Prins – UNESCO ICH Global Facilitator – South Africa Messages to the UNESCO 2003 Convention

Deirdre Prins – UNESCO ICH Global Facilitator – South Africa

...Imagining a Future...where...   The bus(y)ness of diversity is the norm Where languages and sounds roll off tongues To reach ears attuned to their sounds of awe And wonder, Soundscapes in which imagination And creativity may take root in words which carry wisdoms and ways of being in the world…
Jorijn Neyrinck
November 4, 2023