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“Inter alia”: What more can we do? Reflections from 7GA on the role of NGOs

By November 14, 2018May 9th, 2023No Comments

Following the invitation for reflection from the IGC, with the many NGOs present at 7.GA, on Wednesday 6th June, an open meeting with NGOs discussed: “What motivates NGOs to seek accreditation? What do NGOs expect from accreditation? What can NGOs bring to the Convention?”

A prominent theme during these discussions was that accreditation was a form of acknowledgment and recognition for many NGOs, as well as it provides an opportunity for NGOS from different regions to be part of a large international network, giving them better chances at networking, capacity building and the exchange of experiences.

On June 7, a working group session took place within the NGO Forum to build on the topic. The Working Group made first progress on:

– Current mentioning of NGOs in the Convention’s text, Operational Directives, Overall Results Framework, Decisions of the IGC and GA.

– Mapping the possible contributions of NGOs to the roles of the IGC

– Mapping the capacities of NGOs

– Elaborating on the process of NGO reporting and evaluations

– The role of NGOs in awareness raising and providing solutions to the challenges that arise in safeguarding ICH

– Capacity building and outreach to civil society

– Ethical principles and code of conduct

– The role of the ICH NGO Forum as an umbrella organization and contact point

The ICH NGO Forum’s Steering Committee with the co-chairs of the AD HOC informal Working Group and the Secretariat will continue to build on these discussions for the purpose of assisting NGOs to contribute to the safeguarding of ICH to their full potential under the Convention.


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