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Kaustinen ICH Seminar 2022 on non-formal music education

By June 27, 2022June 28th, 2022No Comments

In the year 2022 Kaustinen Folk Music Festival´s yearly ICH seminar will be about non-formal music education and intangible cultural heritage.

The seminar brings together communities and experts in the fields of non-formal music education and intangible cultural heritage from different parts of the world.

How can musical heritage be passed on in today’s societies without compromising musical communities’ and traditions’ essential characteristics? How can music education learn from communities practising and passing on their musical traditions? How can communities around the world benefit from formal music education?

The seminar will present non-formal music education practices from Mauritius (Group Abaim), Denmark (Fanø Fiddlers) and Finland (Näppärit). Experts (Vilma Timonen, Finland, Birgit Ellinghaus, Germany) with different points of views will highlight the role of Unesco 2003 Convention and non-formal education and community-based ideas behind safeguarding intangible cultural heritage.

The seminar will be live streamed at Finnish Folk Music Institute Youtube channel (Youtube search: “kansanmusiikki-instituutti”)