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Call for Expressions of Interest: Infographics for the UNESCO Global Report “Re|Shaping Cultural Policies” News

Call for Expressions of Interest: Infographics for the UNESCO Global Report “Re|Shaping Cultural Policies”

The Secretariat of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005 Convention) is looking for qualified and experienced individuals, teams or companies to design and produce a set of infographics to be included in the third edition of the UNESCO Global Report ‘Re|Shaping…
July 19, 2021
Open-ended intergovernmental working group in the framework of the global reflection on the listing mechanisms News

Open-ended intergovernmental working group in the framework of the global reflection on the listing mechanisms

On 8 and 9 July 2021 and on 9 and 10 September 2021, States Parties to the 2003 Convention and observers will be invited to participate in an Open-ended intergovernmental working group in the framework of the global reflection on the listing mechanisms of the 2003 Convention. Read more and…
June 25, 2021
Nordic-Baltic ICH network: Experiences with National Inventories on 16 February News

Nordic-Baltic ICH network: Experiences with National Inventories on 16 February

The aim of the Nordic-Baltic ICH network is to share good practices and methodology on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in Nordic and Baltic countries. The network emphasizes community involvement and is open for all stakeholders working in the spirit of the UNESCO Convention for Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Network's…
February 8, 2021
Community Heritage, Intellectual Property Protection and Sustainable Development in India – February 2 and 3 News

Community Heritage, Intellectual Property Protection and Sustainable Development in India – February 2 and 3

Contact Base and Coventry University UK are organising two webinars on ICH, IP, Cultural Tourism and Sustainable Development as part of dissemination events for a British Academy funded project on "Celebrating Local Stewardship in a Global Market: Community Heritage, Intellectual Property Protection and Sustainable Development in India". The project involved the…
January 26, 2021
UNESCO Webinar: Monitoring Living Heritage in Education News

UNESCO Webinar: Monitoring Living Heritage in Education

(voir ci-dessous pour la version française) The webinar ‘Monitoring Living Heritage in Education: Contributing to Heritage Safeguarding and to Achieving SDG 4’ takes place on 26 January, 2021, 13.00-14.30 CET. The webinar is organized by UNESCO, hosted by the International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asia-Pacific…
January 22, 2021
WG for more balanced geographical representation of accredited NGOs: 19 december 2020 News

WG for more balanced geographical representation of accredited NGOs: 19 december 2020

The working group aims to work on how to overcome the ongoing geographical imbalance in NGO representation in the ICH NGO Forum and the UNESCO 2003 Convention. The Working group  will meet on Saturday 19th December, 12.30 -13.30 on the ZOOM chanel of the ICH NGO Forum at the following link: Meeting…
December 18, 2020
Considerations on the ICH NGO Forum’s report at 15th Intergovernmental Committee News

Considerations on the ICH NGO Forum’s report at 15th Intergovernmental Committee

For the first time in the history of the Forum, its report to the Intergovernmental Committee captured a separate agenda item – 15COM 6.         Naila Ceribašić during the speech It was presented by Naila Ceribašić (International Council for Traditional Music) in her capacity of a member…
December 16, 2020
Working Group Research: the mission statement to be discussed on 18th december 2020 The Working Group Research at 13.COMNews

Working Group Research: the mission statement to be discussed on 18th december 2020

Friday 18 December 2020 the Working Group Research will discuss the new Mission Statement for the group (see the attachment). The Working Group will meet on 18 december, 12.30 -13.30 on the ZOOM chanel of the ICH-NGO Forum at the following link: Meeting ID: 833 8803 5609 Passcode: 294752    
December 15, 2020
Global InCH Journal Of ICH – Education For Artisans: Past, Present, Future News

Global InCH Journal Of ICH – Education For Artisans: Past, Present, Future

The International journal of intangible cultural heritage – Global InCH Journal has served as a platform for global connects and knowledge exchange on culture and heritage since 1999. The 12 essays in this issue examine educational paradigms where traditional oral learning and apprenticeships have been deepened and extended through the…
November 14, 2020
Online International Conference on the Craft of the Miller – 5 November 2020 News

Online International Conference on the Craft of the Miller – 5 November 2020

The Craft of the Miller was the Kingdom of the Netherlands’ first inscription on the Representative List of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Promoting international exchange was one of the objectives of the Dutch nomination, and for this purpose an international conference was announced.…
October 7, 2020
ICH NGO Forum Statement at 8.GA DocumentsNews

ICH NGO Forum Statement at 8.GA

Presented by Meg Nömgård, chair of the ICH NGO Forum Steering Committee. Download the Statement. Distinguished Delegates of the States Parties to the 2003 Convention and UNESCO Secretariat, I direct this message on behalf of the Steering Committee of the ICH NGO Forum and the accredited organizations that work actively with the communities…
September 9, 2020