The objective of the Associació d’Estudis Fallers
(AdEF) is mainly the study of the Fallas Festival, urban festival from València and others cities through the region. It is linked to European Carnival festivities, has important components of popular satire, festive sociability, artistic expression, artisan practices and singular techniques. It is also felt by the community involved as an importart signal of its identity. The Associació d’Estudis Fallers (ADEF) field of study is extended to other festivals including fire and ephemeral manifestations of art and its relevance and importance to the intangible cultural heritage of València (Spain). Likewise, are also an important objective for the association to publicize and promote the heritage aspects of the festivities related to the use and rituals of fire, promote the research related to them and create opportunities for reflecting on the importance of heritage management in popular festivals.
oral traditions and expressions, performing arts, social practices, rituals and festive events, traditional craftsmanship